There were 4 of these cakes made for the Emmanuel School of Religion graduation. Four full sheets! The cross was made from Royal Icing. Two had white backgrounds and two had blue backgrounds.
This cake was done for a neighbor. This cap was molded out of gumpaste. The tassel was purchased at a party supply store.
These are the types of cakes that I have to make at work. As a general rule, a cake decorator must be able to completely decorate a 1/4 sheet cake within 10 minutes. That includes the base icing, roses, leaves, borders, and any writing. The last time I was timed while making a cake to those specifications was about 5 1/2 minutes.
Unfortunately I didn't get to set it up as it was at a reception a number of hours away. It did however survive the trip. Too bad the only picture I have of it completed has a kid's head in the way.
My computer had a nasty virus a couple of years ago, and our friend David came and fixed it for me. In return, I replicated his childhood teddy bear into cake for his 29th birthday party. Bartering is good!
Aaron and I have played Final Fantasy XI off and on for the past few years. I made these cookies for an in-game friend's birthday this past summer. They are called Taru-taru's (that's the race). Also included are a moogle and baby chocobo.
This ballerina cake didn't turn out quite the way I had visualized, but she was still cute in the end. She sort of had a "Wallace & Grommit" face. Thanks to ExtraIcing for the people tutorial. The cake itself has rounded edges (similar to how fondant looks) but is actually buttercream.